Thursday, November 20, 2008

58 days

It's date night tonight. We are suppose to approach tonight as a first date, and i just want to have fun. I need my wife to see that we can still have fun together and the changes that are happening to me. That they are real and to see the man I'm becoming and hopefully see will. If not i still need to make these changes for me to be the man that can look into the mirror and like what he sees. The questions of the unknown future are the hardest what if we down the road get divorced any way. I can say at least we tried to put are best foot forward and went for it. I don't want to live with the regret of at least not trying it out. But we have to get to that point first. And who knows maybe it starts tonight with a new first date. I will let you know how it went tomorrow.

All i can do is be myself and let the cards fall where they may


Syd said...

We still have date nights. It's our special night out. I hope that you have a good time and enjoy the evening. You are a different person now.

Shadow said...

the bestest of luck and love on your date...