Monday, April 6, 2009

195 days

I need to come up with some new titles for my posts. Just putting up numbers sounds more like time in jail, then a new life. 9 freaking days since i was here last what the hell. I'm starting to get my new schedule down now that my wife and i are back together. I of course wanted to spend most of my time with her and our son. She said keep doing the things that got you here (and of course she was right. Not to go off subject here but why are women right more often then men. I know we are wired different but what the hell?) I started seeing my sponsor twice a week back to hitting my morning meeting twice a week and I do feel a lot better. I'm chairing my first meeting on Saturday a little nervous about it but whats the worst i can do. Have a quiet room where only the crickets talk (maybe they have something to say and we are to busy talking over them). I am in a little bit of a goofy mood tonight and my A.D.D is really kicking in, ohhh whats that shiny thing over there? But I'm kind of nervous about Saturday so it goes, i will do fine. There have been a lot of good things going on right now our son is FINALLY using the potty for number 1 and 2. Probably too much info but that makes me very happy. We have been talking very open and honest and very real with our feelings and needs. Something we have never really done in our marriage. Maybe I was too busy pounding beers to hear her, ok i was too busy pounding beers to hear her. I forgot (in my beer haze)how passionate she is about her job, life, goals and how much she cares about us boys in her life. I also forgot how funny she is and how beautiful she looks when she is smiling.

A quick gratitude list about my wife.
1. Her love for me and our son
2. Her love for life
3. Her laugh
4. her long arms holding me at night
5. The way she knows how to make everything feel right
6. The way she lights up a room
7. Finally cooking together and trying new things and new foods
8. Being at home with us boys


Shadow said...

hiya delinquent one! i'm so happy you're not posting because you are too busy being normal and happy and loving your life!!!!!

Syd said...

It sounds good. I'm interested in the ADD stuff. I've been reading about it. Glad that you are enjoying your new life.

Banana Girl said...

You sound great. You will be fine on Sat. It is, after all, God's meeting. Just relax and let Him do the work. J.

Just said...

Sounds like life things are progressing. Glad you are feeling a lot better. Thank you for sharing your post.

Fishstyx said...

Nervous that there will be only crickets at the meeting? C'mon dude have you ever known a room full of drunks, dry or wet, that don't like to vomit what they think? I do know of at least one guy who calls himself Tony in our meeting. That guy would fill up an entire hour if you let him. If you should be nervous about anything it should be holding peoples shares to 5mins or less.