Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Did I get lost or is it Facebook?

Where does the time go work, family, AA and sleep. I still need that extra hour in each day. That would probable be filled with Facebook it is a time thief like no other. Nine months was yesterday and as always there was no parade for me. Just the little one in my head, one float driven by a clown(guess who i was). Seriously i have not had this much pride in myself for as long as i can remember. It does feel so good to remember everything i did the day before and to feel pretty sharp all the time. I know all i need to do is put the Facebook down and spend half the time here that i spend there. I have been on reading other blogs and keeping up on most of your lives. I feel like i have blogger's block, i know all i need to do is log on and write what I'm feeling. I don't need to be witty or cute but just spill it and keep coming back. Home life is going well some hard topic talks but handled very well between both of us. My son turned four and he is such a joy.

I had a good talk with Fish today about our friends who we went to school with and his best friend. That is a hard thing to juggle friends who our still out there and still maintain sobriety. For me it was easy i just told myself i found something better for my life. I still do things with them just don't get involved with there games and bad ideas. Like the verbal judo of insults to see who is king of the hill. That kind of stuff doesn't fit into my Hp's game plan.

Well I'm off to stupid Facebook ( I'm sorry Facebook i didn't mean it was the diet cherry Dr. Pepper talking)


Wait. What? said...

congrats on 9 months! It is a real accomplishment and definitely something to take pride in.

Oddly my husband, who is just over 600 days this week said the exact same thing about remembering what happens each day now and how great that is... and here I had no idea he didn't before!

Shadow said...

ha ha, each to their own, facebook's just very confusing to me. maybe because i just haven't tried... whatever. CONGRATULATIONS on your 9 months, that's fabulous!!! you may think of yourself as a clown, but you're one helluva strong determined got it in hand clown...

Anonymous said...

9 months! That is fabulous!

Syd said...

Good for you on the nine months. I don't do facebook. Too much to do with writing blogs and work and all the dozens of other things that I like to do. Have a good day.

Fishstyx said...

Ah yes Facebook addiction. I don't even want to look at Twitter because I know what I am like and I will only keep digging into that neverending rabbit hole. I found myself appologizing to the blog group as well for hiding out on FB. I have been able to track/stalk you here, FB and meetings and boy how great it has been to see your life change. It has so helped me because it is easier to see it in others than in myself. Through you I have been able to see my own transformation.
Good job buddy. We are all so proud of you.