Friday, December 12, 2008

wow 80 days

I have started the process of moving on. Shadow you are right it has felt so good to start to let go. The not worrying about everything is what feels the best. The not wanting to check in and on her. The feeling of freedom is a wonderful thing and very scary. She was with are son all day and there where 2-3 times i wanted to call. I stopped myself and said if she wanted to talk to me she would call and i left it at that. The rejection of this relationship is whats very hard on me all she wants to do is talk about moving forward with this divorce. The constant reminder of it is nerve racking and annoying. It is what it is, my son is whats important and being a strong male role model and influence. I do feel a lot better then the other day My friends at work are nothing short of amazing. I can't wait for tomorrow to make my first meeting in a while. I need to see those happy smiling people who don't judge because we are all in the same shoes.

I have hope for my future and for my sons. What ever happens i can handle it and stay true to me and my new path.

There is a amazing song by 3 Doors Down that is helping me through this called "let me be myself" all of you should give it a listen


~Tyra~ said...

Isn't it great to have hope?

indistinct said...

80 days, way to go!

Shadow said...

80 days, what a great number! i'm off to check out that song... have a good weekend!

Fishstyx said...

80 not bad for an old frat boy.
Love ya Bro