Wednesday, December 3, 2008

71st day

I think I'm scaring my wife with my new found confidence. Or maybe for the first time I'm challenging her. I have never been one for conflict even if it meant that my needs where not being met. I just want things to run smooth with out ripples in my little world. This book has woken me up a lot how can i make her happy if i was a unhappy drunk. A lot of things have changed in the last two months like the way that i see the world and how i want to fit in it. I still want to be the partner that my wife needs and deserves. There are hings i want to do also like workout, play golf and not feel bad about it. I have needs and i need to take care of them, no one was put on this earth to meet my needs. If my needs are met then i can meet hers, i think that me standing up to her and starting to talk about my feelings and needs. It kind of freaks her out it has been something she has always wanted and now that I'm doing it she doesn't know how to handle it. We had a heated conversation over something last night, i wanted to talk to her about issue. And instead of waiting for it to boil over i calmly brought it up and put it out there. I think it caught her off guard and she said we will talk about it tomorrow. Still waiting to talk to her but i feel that i did the right thing to finally stand up for myself. I hope it doesn't scare her off but so it goes we will see what happens next.

I still hope for the best.

1 comment:

Shadow said...

you're right. you have to look out for yourself. and bringing up issues, discussing them, is the way to go. after all, hiding them and pretending they're not there, are what caused the mess in the first place, right?!?!?