Tuesday, December 30, 2008

98 days

Things that make me happy

!. Finding me
2. My son's laugh
3. Working out
4. My home group
5. My friends
6. 98 days of my new life
7. The 25 pounds i have lost
8. Being proud of me for my new life choice
9. Music
10. Blogging
11. The unknown future
12. Her


Shadow said...

you know the best one on this list???? 'finding me'. that, i think, is the ultimate to healing, growth and self-fulfilment. and woweeee to 98 days! one day at a time sure does add up....

~Tyra~ said...

You are doing great, I like your list.

indistinct said...

That's a wonderful list. I can relate to all of them. Sobriety is full of gifts that come our way.

Syd said...

A good list. There are so many benefits to being sober.

DM said...

I found your 25 pounds. Do you want them back?

Fishstyx said...

25#'s want them back? Priceless Sarah. C'mon over to chef Tony's house and I'll fix that problem. I make great carbs!